Children's Book Title Design

A collection of children's book covers and custom title lettering
Easter Theme Children's Book cover

An Easter-themed concept for a book cover, finger paint and stencil. © Iskra Design


Children’s book cover design showcases the glory of illustration, while the title is usually secondary and less adventurous, with legibility and simplicity being a primary concern. I have created title styles for many ongoing series, including my favorite little mouse, Brian Jaques’ intrepid Martin. In long-running series the style may become almost a font, with a need for strong consistency. Other books are one-of-a-kind and invite a wide variety of explorations. This collection shows finished book covers as well as some of the process and individual titles as stand alone typography.

Brian Jaques Martin the warrior lettering

Babe book title lettering

children's book title design by iskra


Children's book title design process

There are many animals in this kingdom, and many ways to be furry: cuddly, scary, friendly, cute.


pajama pirates title design

Title designs for Karen Cushman books

childrens books title treatments

Rustic calligraphy for childrens book

childrens book title typography

Sacred River Cover calligraphy


Children’s books are timeless. To hold a child in your lap while you read aloud and turn the pages of a book is sweet respite from the ever-present electronic device. Custom typography, hand lettering or calligraphy is not lost on children — it captures their attention. I once got a project to design a cover because the author, as a child, had fallen in love with the title treatment of one of his favorite books. He read my name on the jacket flap, and years later, with his adult opus complete, he tracked me down to create the title typography for his new book. That made my day. Now, if only I could do something as perfectly imperfect as this little wind-up book…..

Vintage wind-up book, "If I were a Cowboy"

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