Aug 22, 2012 | New Work, Recent Posts
August is Poetry Month at Iskra Design. These elegiac days are always about impending change, suspended between the lovelieness of summer light and the coming Autumn. Thank you Emily for reminding me what it's all about.

Brush Calligraphy and photocollage ©Iskra Design
Aug 6, 2012 | Recent Posts, Signs I Like
I caught this from the car window on a recent trip to the Palouse, and can't help but admire the problem-solving here. There are many ways to consider the perameters of a rectangle, as well as the integration of graphic symbols with letterforms. Placement of the flag is purely incidental. Always good to know what country you're in.

© Iskra Johnson
Jul 3, 2012 | New Work, Recent Posts

Brush Drawing with Watermelon Accents © Iskra Design
Jun 15, 2012 | Recent Posts
This just landed in my box from Liquid Treat and I couldn't resist posting. A blog where you can talk about book covers and see the design process, who can resist? Edited by author Sean Manning.

(I hope this is considered fair use, since it is solely posted to send you to the site. If not, Sean, send me an email and I will remove it.)
Jun 12, 2012 | New Work, Recent Posts

© Iskra Design
Part of a series of iconic images for an art center, to be used in signage and in print. How do you say something new about the human condition with 3 to13 brush strokes? Laughing or crying, not much room in an icon for what's in between.