Alphabet Road Trip | the blog of Iskra Design

Moleskine Transferprint Journal: Wayfinding

I've been reading a lot of poetry lately and thinking about how to approach words and symbols in new ways. I always go back to my journals for inspiration. You can spend all day making an absolutely perfect "x." Or you can walk out and find the letters in the trees and listen to what they tell you.




Personal work from The Wayfinder's Journal Photography and transferprint in Moleskine © Iskra Johnson

Thanksgiving Greetings from a Dozen Turkeys Who Got Away

Thanksgiving Turkey IllustrationsCalligraphic Turkey Illustrations © Iskra Design Inc.

Since I am not a big shopper, this four day weekend always holds the promise of a stretch of wonderful uninterrupted time in the studio (for which I give thanks to The Pilgrims, The Indians, The Corn, The Earth and The United States of Creativity. Special thanks for the holiday language of kitsch and cliche, which is an endless source of inspiration.) For all those who love to make stuff, may your studio time be humming and bright!

Iskra Design in Scripsit

Fourth of July greeting card for Portal

The most recent issue of Scripsit, the journal of the Washington Calligrapher's Guild, features my work on its cover and in an article inside. I am honored to be in this wonderful magazine, which is one of the best showcases for contemporary calligraphy today. Thank you to editor and designer Michael Clark for his wonderful work designing this issue. I am in great company, with Izzy Pludwinski, Carl Kurtz, Peter Thornton (who taught me how to use a William Mitchell nib and reservoir so long ago–) and Michael Clark himself.


All artwork © Iskra Design  (Click each page to enlarge)