Title Design: Fantasy Books
Custom hand lettering for fantasy book coversA collection of title designs for fantasy books and film, including projects for Disney, Dreamworks, Anne Rice, Clive Barker and others. Fantasy lettering draws on historical forms from ancient Celtic, Batarde, and Gothic alphabets. In modern title design time can be bent a bit to bring a contemporary twist to the forms. In some cases the runner-up concept was my personal favorite and has been included.
Title design for the fantasy genre is a very particular thing. It can be based on calligraphy or hand lettering, or finessed into a typographic style that is entirely custom, even though it may look like a font. In my titles for fantasy books I often use rough papers and old fashioned dip pens to give the work a hand-hewn appearance. Or I start with pen-made forms and then carefully refine and vectorize when needed. It is great to work in a series and see the titles carry out a theme over many years.